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Oil Portrait Advice: Is there a best age to portrait children?

Oil Portrait Advice: What is the best age to portrait children?

Oil Portrait of a Little Girl of two and a half

What would be the best oil portrait advice for a parent? I would say it is to get their child’s oil portrait done while they are young!

My favorite age to paint children is from about 2 to 5½. At 2 they are starting to look like the person they will grow up to be. Also, the height to width ratio is unbeatably adorable. Further, if you can get their bare feet—that’s the icing on the cake.

I’m talking about full-length portraits here, of course. Nevertheless, head and shoulder portraits or seated portraits showing their hands are also outstanding. And they can be done at any age.

If you have missed that young window, of course it is also breathtaking to capture them at 6 or 8 or 10 or 12 or 14 or …. There is definitely something noteworthy about each age. Even 27-year-old twins are show stoppers for sure.

Still, an excellent oil portrait advice is to paint your children as young as possible. Paint them at 7 instead of waiting until they are 10. Capture them at 10 rather than 15. Moreover, if you can paint them at 15, don’t delay until they are 20. However, if you have the luxury of looking at the big picture, please do consider carefully that darling but ever fleeting phase from about 2 to 5½.

Children are great to “nail down” [*/:~)] at any age. And you’ll always love to enjoy them growing older while their portrait is remains true to their youth! That is one of the limitless blessings that make our children so special.

Please don’t hesitate to call me about painting an oil portrait of your child. I specialize in likenesses and you want that for sure!

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