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Oil Portrait of My Son and His Labrador Retriever

This is another instance of individualOil portrait of my son with his dog in front of trees and a stream portraits oil portraits of children being done for 2 siblings at the same time. Here’s what the mother said about the young boy’s portrait:

“I had had my portrait done when I was 8 and it meant so much to me while I was growing up—and beyond. Since Brett was 3 years old I’ve been looking to find the right artist to paint an oil portrait of my son and daughter. I finally found Jessica just before Brett turned 9. When his was done, I asked him what he thought of it. He said, ‘I look normal!’ Now he keeps an eye on it in our home, where the portraits of his sister and him have become a treasured focal point. ”

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You can also see “the oil portrait of my son” in the Children Oil Portraits Gallery.

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